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BodyAwareness and Holistic Horsemanship Instructor

• Certified Physical Education Instructor since 2002
• Holistic Horsemanship Instructor since 2006
• BodyAwareness teacher since 2008
• Global clinics in Holistic Horsemanship and BodyAwareness since 2011
• Certified RYT 200-h Yoga Teacher
• Certified RYT 500-h Yoga Teacher
• Embodied Flow inspired instructor
Dancing since age of 7. Since 2006 very active in salsa and many other partner dances.
Interested in holistic health from early adulthood. Worked with Physiotherapists and Osteopaths and gave Conscious Fitness lessons in a Finnish parliament house for few years.
Deeply influenced by the body-aware and intuitive horseman Klaus Hempfling and by the master body teacher Janice Redman who combined Feldenkreis, art of Ballet, Pilates and Yoga in a system called BodyFlow. Later stepped into the field of Somatic wisdom by Embdoed Flow Yoga teacher training.
Has experienced big challenges with her own body body: scoliosis, hollow and painful lower back, sore knees, easily dislocating hips, nerve pain, stiffness, intestine inflammation, lack of vitality. Yoga and many other activities were too hard due to the severe pain. ​
With the help of BodyAwareness and good nutrition Noora has helped her body through challenges and now enjoys a a functional, pain-free body. She helps people and animals around the world with to find more balance and ease.
This is why BodyAwareness Wisdom program was created.
HORSE WORK emphasises body awareness, energy awareness and emotion awareness. Animals are naturally tuned into the subtle language of the body.
I help heartfelt professionals and all level animal lovers in many countries to find conscious, respectful and communicative connection and co-operation with horses.
The most important goal is to spirit of the horse alive and happy. There are many ways to be with and train horses. I believe in respect, self-awareness and emotionally safe learning for both the horse and human. Biomechanically healthy movement is equally important for the well-being of horses as it is for humans.
Read more about my work with horses at